On 27 May 1992 Croatia became IOM observer at the request of the former Croatian Vice Prime Minister Mate Granić and IOM Team was deployed to Zagreb. A year later, on 23 November 1993 Croatia became IOM  Member State. Since then, IOM Country Office in Croatia actively contributed to the government’s migration management efforts and alignment with EU standards, in close cooperation with national counterparts, by providing a gap analysis between national migration laws and the EC acquis.

Since the start of the migration crisis in Croatia in September 2015 IOM Country Office in Croatia mobilized its resources and deployed members of its Team to work in the field providing necessary assistance and protection to migrants and refugees arriving to and transiting through Croatia in collaboration with the government and other stakeholders.

Contact Us

Račkoga 3, HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone: + 385 1 4816 884
Fax: + 385 1 4816 879
E-mail: iomzagreb@iom.int
IOM Croatia