About us

The Equalcity Project supports local authorities in fostering inclusion and protection of migrants who are at risk, or who have survived sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The objective of the project is to build capacity of local frontline services through the development of practical training tools and awareness raising material on SGBV. Equalcity is piloted in 4 partner cities: Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome and Gothenburg, with each partner city focusing on one topic and developing one specific toolbox.

Final Conference

Equalcity was proud to present it’s final conference in Brussels on the 22nd of October to cities and organisations across Europe! To respect COVID-19 measures, the conference was held via a hybrid method, combining both online and in-person interactions to take place through live stream! Participants were provided an overview about the country contexts in which the toolboxes were created and the gaps that were identified by each project partner in their respective city. Then, participants were invited to select two workshops to attend throughout the day, where they could take a “deep-dive” into the modules of each toolbox and gather inspiration regarding the good practices when it comes to training frontline workers. Most importantly, participants, both online and in-person were able to ask any pending questions directly to the project partners. Lastly, participants were able to hear from the City of Toulouse and the City of Gothenburg who not only shared their experiences working in the thematic of sexual and gender-based violence, but also their roadmap for their selected toolboxes, once they are available. Overall, the event was a success and the Equalcity Team would like to thank our project partners and all who attended for making the event most memorable. All 4 toolboxes will be available at the end of November 2021. As shown at the event itself, you can click on the image to see what our experts have to say about being part of the Equalcity process! Find out more about Equalcity.