Early this year, the European Commission published a call for evidence for an impact assessment on the EU Talent Pool initiative under the framework of the operational measures of the EU Skills and Talent Package. The EU Talent Pool is planned to be an EU-wide matching platform to facilitate the matching of EU employers with third-country nationals willing to work in the EU and was piloted in the context of the Ukraine response for intra-EU mobility in 2022.

IOM drafted a succinct paper as a contribution to the call for evidence. In this paper, IOM shares concrete recommendations to ensure that the Talent Pool is effective, rights-based, based on genuine partnerships between countries of origin and destination and, most importantly, grounded in ethical recruitment and ensures the protection of migrant workers. IOM stands ready to support the EU and its Member States in pursuing and strengthening the actions proposed in the Skills and Talent Package, including the Talent Pool, to enhance rights-based and development-oriented skills-based migration to the EU.

You can access the paper HERE.