In four key recommendations to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, IOM recommends the Presidency to advance:

  1. Flexible and Sustainable Inclusion and Labour Mobility Pathways for Shared Prosperity
    • Implement the ambition of the EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion, adopting age-, gender- and disability-sensitive approaches, and to step up efforts to ensure equity for all who are displaced;
    • Support the optimization of labour migration procedures so that they are clear, time-bound and efficient, and to engage employers from the start; and
    • Ensure that sustainable development and mutual prosperity for all parties involved remain core objectives of partnerships with countries of origin and transit.
  2. Digitalization and Legal identity for Safe, Orderly Human Mobility
    • Support legal identity for migrants in countries of origin and transit as a core enabler of sustainable development, and safe and regular migration;
    • Strengthen governance and leadership by promoting inclusion of mobility on the global health agenda and building global consensus on border mobility management during pandemics; and
    • Promote well-integrated and interoperable digital tools at the EU level and beyond.
  3. Dialogue and Partnerships for Readmission, Effective Return and Sustainable Reintegration
    • Support data collection on readmissions and integrates return, re-admission and reintegration into broader cooperation on migration and development;
    • Enhance the implementation of the EU Voluntary Return and Reintegration Strategy, particularly making sure that reintegration support is grounded in individual circumstances, local contexts and that it is embedded in the regional and national migration governance systems; and
    • Capitalize on and improve the investments of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), maintaining migrant protection through a whole-of-route approach.
  4. Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Building for the Most Vulnerable
    • Strengthen support to the most vulnerable countries and people to mitigate climate change impacts;
    • Increase support for adaptation strategies, programmes, and projects in reducing climate-related displacement; and
    • Try to secure stronger commitments from EU Member States, European institutions and the international community to avert, minimise and address loss and damage in developing countries, including displacement.

Download our full recommendations HERE.

Read the Press Release.