In three key recommendations to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, IOM encourages the Presidency to advance:

I. Build resilient systems through more effective, adaptable and inclusive mobility pathways

  • Create the structural conditions for migrants to thrive and contribute to society.
  • Promote safe, rights-based, forward-looking, adaptable, and inclusive labour migration channels.
  • Encourage multi-stakeholder and multi-level governance responses to integration and inclusion of migrants in all areas of society.

II. Promote partnerships and cooperation to strengthen return and sustainable reintegration policies and practices

  • Harness the partnership potential of local authorities and NGOs and reinforce their coordination and cooperation capacity and knowledge in the field of return migration.
  • Promote and foster linkages between the pre-return, return and post-return phases to increase prospects for sustainable reintegration of migrants.
  • Adopt an integrated approach to sustainable reintegration, ensuring that reintegration and development funding follow the needs of individuals, their families and communities of return as well as partner countries.

III. Support adaptation for the countries and populations most vulnerable to climate change

  • Aid preparedness in countries most vulnerable to climate change to minimize risk of loss and damage, including displacement.
  • Pay special attention to improving the access of the most vulnerable countries and people to sustainable finance for climate change adaptation.
  • Promote inclusive mobilization of the whole of society – especially women, youth, indigenous peoples and migrants, displaced persons – into decision-making processes related to climate action.

Download our full recommendations HERE.