
Joint UNHCR - IOM Statement on Adressing Migration and Refugee Movements along the Central Mediterranean Route

Joint UNHCR - IOM Statement on Adressing Migration and Refugee Movements along the Central Mediterranean Route

02 Feb 2017 - Ahead of the informal meeting of the European Council in Valletta tomorrow (03-02), we call on European leaders to take decisive action to address the tragic loss of life on the Central Mediterranean route and the deplorable conditions for migrants and refugees in Libya.

To better protect refugees and migrants, we need a strong European Union that is engaged beyond its borders to protect, assist and help find solutions for people in need. This includes building capacity to save lives at sea or on land, strengthening the rule of law and fighting against criminal networks.

We call for concerted efforts to ensure that sustainable migration and asylum systems are put in place in Libya, when the security and political situation permits, and in neighboring countries.

Read the Full Statement