
Migration: A safe investment in humanity

Migration: A safe investment in humanity

Instead of a responding to today’s migration challenges from a position of strength, Europe has reacted in fear. This has to change.

OpEd By Eugenio Ambrosi, IOM Regional Director for the EU, Norway and Switzerland

First published in Euractiv, 29 June, 2017

Completely open borders are not sensible but it is suicidal to keep everyone out. The costs of barriers are enormous. The massive losses to smugglers are avoidable. The EU desperately needs to re-prioritise the tougher and longer-term investment in migrant and refugee integration, not least because the success or failure of the European project hinges in large part on how we welcome and help the newcomers integrate into our societies. Effective integration stands out as the most efficient tool to ensure the safety and security of immigrants and European citizens alike. This would be a much needed investment and a historical victory over the same malign forces driving so many people from their homes towards the safety and promise of Europe.

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