Migration and health - Launch of the MIG-H Training action

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Migration health Division (MHD) with the European Commission (EC) continues the commitment towards improving access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention for migrants.

In line with the Action Plan on the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and within the EC Directorate-General for Health & Food Safety (DG SANTE)’s Health Programme, the MIG-H Training project was launched in December 2017.

Coordinated by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ, with technical lead by the Migration Health Division (MHD) of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office in Brussels, and in collaboration with the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), this tendered initiative is to be implemented in 10 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain).

This Regional programme focused on the development of advanced specific training modules on communicable diseases and mental health, for health professionals, law enforcement officers and trainers has the overall objective of assisting frontline staff to develop key competences, which can support them in providing more appropriate health care to migrants and refugees.

The purpose of the programme is to develop, pilot and evaluate the respective training package for trainers and for trainees. The training modules developed will complement available training modules previously created by IOM MHD RO Brussels within the Equi-Health action as well as those from the Migrant and ethnic minority health training package (MEM-TP), for which IOM was project partner.

Following the launch of the MIG-H Training project, a brief Online Survey was launched in order to identify existing packages to be reviewed and experts to provide recommendations on the advanced training to be developed, which will be followed by a Delphi study and an expert meeting on 31st January in Brussels.  

Training of Trainers (ToT) is planned to be conducted in March 2018 in Athens for the piloting of the new materials followed by in country piloting to be completed by August 2018.

Further to the MIG-H Training action, IOM MHD RO Brussels has been awarded a second tender concerning the provision of training for first-line health professionals, law enforcement officers and social workers working at local level with migrants and refugees and training of trainers.

The main goal will be to conduct a training programme for health professionals, social workers, law enforcement officers and other professionals dealing with migrants and working at local level, in view to reinforce and develop the necessary key skills and competences as well as to promote understanding in the work with migrants and refugees at front line, transit and destination involving the 32 countries participating in the EC Health Programme. 

IOM Missions in coordination with IOM MHD RO Brussels will implement activities, including training of coach trainers in non-first line countries, also based on previous and ongoing cooperation with Ministries of Health and Interior, National Public Health Institutes and other training institutions.

For more detailed information please contact ROBrusselsMHUnit@iom.int.